b2b-b2c Repair Service
Hamburg contract logistics + repair service. Everything from a single source for b2b/ b2c
In the context of contract logistics the b2b takes over repair service in Hamburg in the background
the complete Instructions for returning your products within and out of warranty. Of spare parts management
on the management of the Vorabaustauschgeräte to the completion of the Pan-European warranty logistics.
Well-known brand manufacturers offer free and paid services to their customers.
In particular by the law of product liability of b2b takes over repair service compliance
These services for you.
Professional equipment and trained staff to meet b2b from Hamburg
According to individual customer requests as an additional service to
your contract logistics we offer you:
- technical repairs
- Exchange of parts
- Guarantee overhaul
- Paid for the end customer repairs outside of warranty
- Product-specific accessory orders of technical devices.
- b2b & b2c logistic Hamburg is a logistics company based in Hamburg.
We operate exclusively in accordance with the latest version of the ADSp (German Forwarder´s General Terms and Conditions of Trading)